The Life of a Mompreneur

Motherhood is a 24/7 job. Being an entrepreneur is also very time consuming. It can be challenging to manage both, but it is possible. Before I became a Mom, I had so much time on my hands. I could nap whenever I wanted to. I could stay up late or wake up early. The irony is that I became a better steward of my time after becoming a Mom. I learned how you must truly manage your time in order to get everything done. 

The age of your child will determine a lot as a Mompreneur. When they are itty bitty you don’t have to worry about them getting into everything. You can put them in the bouncer and get some work done. But once they are mobile you must pay attention to everything they are doing. When I am on a call with a client there is a high chance that Jayce will destroy the house. I had to find something for him to do while I am working with a client. The Amazon tablet saved my life as a Mom! Jayce will usually (not always) sit quietly next to me while I am conducting a consultation. I also know that I can ONLY do two calls per day. And there has to be a break. This creates time for potty breaks, snack time, and play time. Toddlers have to be the center of attention. If they feel that they do not have your attention all hell will break loose ! 

As a Single Mom, having an extra income has saved me. Now don’t get it twisted I am not rolling in the dough. But having the extra income eliminates some of the financial stressors that come with being a parent. In case no one told you, children are expensive little humans. They may not take up much space, but they surely take up a huge part of your income. I decided to outline what day in the life of a Mompreneur looks like. The below schedule can serve as a template as to how to plan your days.  

5:00 AM- This is my first alarm that goes off. I don’t believe in simply HOPPING out of bed. This tells my body it is almost time to wake up.

5:45 AM- This is the second alarm signaling me that it is time to wake up.

6:00 AM- I spend this time praying, meditating, checking e-mails, responding to client’s texts or DMS, checking my bank accounts (you always want to make sure there weren’t any surprises overnight), and thinking about my day. 

6:15/6:20 AM- I begin the process of getting ready for the day.

6:45/6:50 AM- By this point my love Muffin Jayce is awake. Kids are people too. Sometimes they wake up on the right side of the bed. And other times they are pissed.

7:15/7:20 AM- After getting Jayce ready we are rushing out of the house.

7:35 AM- Drop Jayce off at Daycare.

7:40 AM Drive to my “Job Job”. I spend this time listening to music, praying, meditating, or daydreaming.

8:30-5:30 PM- During this time I am at work. During my lunch break I am either working out, reading, or responding to client matters. As a entrepreneur if you are still working somewhere else you HAVE to utilize any time that is yours. Some of my best business ideas have come to me during my lunch hour.

5:30 PM- I leave work to pick up Jayce from school. I spend this time talking to clients or unwinding from the day.

6:30 PM- I pick up Jayce and we head home. If I was GREAT that week we already have groceries at home. If I wasn’t great then we either stop at the store or pick up dinner.

7:00 PM- Bath time and Dinner Time

8:00 PM- We are winding down, having facetime conversations with my parents, and playing. While Jayce plays I am usually multitasking. I will usually do laundry, dishes, and tidy up. 

8:30 PM sometimes 9:00 PM That is when I am putting Jayce to sleep. Now this either goes GREAT or it goes TERRIBLY. It just depends on how tired he is and what kind of mood he is in.

8:30 PM Tuesdays through Thursdays are my weekly consulting days. I do not have sessions every single day but those are the days I make myself available to clients. If I am not meeting with clients I am usually reading or responding to emails. I also may be finishing up any errands in the house. 

9:30 PM If I had a client call then I would be wrapping up. If I didn’t have a client call this is my wind down time. I get cozy, eat dessert, and sit on the couch or get in bed. 

10:45 PM I have an alarm that goes off Sunday through Thursday to alert me that it is time to go to BED. At the latest I am usually asleep by 11:15 PM. 


Now, I haven’t always been like this. But I knew that with the goals I have for myself I have to be disciplined with time. The weekends are slightly different. Fridays are my days to relax. We usually eat something fun for dinner and just hang out. Saturdays are my biggest consulting day. I spend 9 AM to 1:30 PM conducting business. I am either working with clients, working on projects, or producing social media content. The rest of the day is free for me. I spend that time running errands, cleaning, and spending time with family and friends. Sundays are for church, soccer practice, and finishing anything that didn’t get done. I also use Sundays to prepare for the week. I do NOT consult on Sundays. 

Mamas now I know this probably looks crazy. And yes I am very Type A about my schedule. However, I have found that if you take the time to determine your habits and patterns you can develop a schedule. This is also coming from the lens of a single mother. Unless my mom is in town visiting or my village is coming to help with Jayce, I am doing it all. I hope that this has encouraged you that it is possible to run a business and be a mom. 

If you need further assistance or have questions let’s talk! Contact me via e-mail at [email protected] ! I discuss mompreneur life and balance often on the Babies Books and Business Podcast. Take a listen to learn more tips! 

You got it Mama!